To meet Nicolò Morales we went to Caltagirone, in the heart of south-eastern Sicily, where the landscape unfolds in an ups and downs of hills and mountains.
A harsh land of contrasts and chiaroscuro. This is where Morales lives and works, the protagonist of the second episode of Face to face, a series of video interviews conceived to unveil how the unique pieces of the Paola Lenti collections are brought to life.
Morales is a master ceramist, the rebellious son of a tradition that every year attracts thousands of tourists to the city. His creations inevitably draw inspiration from classical canons, but from a very young age, with his first experiences in the workshop, he felt the urgency to find his own path: in a stubborn and opposite direction.
Intolerant of standard productions and colours, he travels the countryside and collects soils and minerals. Manganese, copper, cobalt oxide: the basis of the shades offered by the territory that he then grounds and fires, like an alchemist.
With the obtained pigments, he develops a personal color table divided by numbers. It is an alternative way to recognize colours, because being colour blind, he has a vision of reality, which is opaque and without shades. Nonetheless, colour plays a prominent role in his works, it is textural and bright, as if Morales could feel it and perceive its intrinsic potential.
For Paola Lenti, the master ceramist from Caltagirone produces tables, side tables and movable backdrops in hand-painted ceramic, with a technique that leaves colours deliberately fluid, creating this way shades that change depending on the light. Unique pieces whose value lies in the extra-ordinary beauty, as well as in the unmistakable craftsmanship.

«Paola Lenti was looking for unusual finishes» explains Morales while kneading clay in his workshop. « I showed her what I was experimenting with and it immediately created a connection, a symbiosis of ideas. Obviously, we look in the same direction».
«For those who, like me, grew up immersed in tradition it is not easy to innovate», he adds at the end of the interview. «Paradoxically, when you depart from it you are considered a subversive. And I am happily subversive».
From the video «Eres. Lo spirito della natura» © Maurizio Natta, Fabrizio Polla Mattiot
Face to face
with Nicolò Morales, Caltagirone
Interview by Anna Vullo
Director Maurizio Natta
Cinematographer Fabrizio Polla Mattiot @ateliermistral
Filmed by Maurizio Natta, Fabrizio Polla Mattiot @ateliermistral, Gianlorenzo Bernabò di Negro
Audio post production Top Digital
Soundtrack Universal Music Publishing Ricordi Srl